Sunday, June 7, 2015

Hello Internet.

Hello Internet! 

I,a teenage girl with anxiety and a really odd personality, have decided to start a blog.


Because I've decided that this could possibly turn into something kind of cool.

My family has always told me that I should write in a diary.

I always thought that it was pointless,because nobody would ever read it except for me.

Every time I would try to write an entry,it would be written as if I was trying to explain a story to someone while half asleep.

Boring and slightly incoherent.

Okay,maybe more than slightly incoherent.

I thought that maybe actual people reading my blog would help motivate me to write.

I've got so many bottled up feelings and funny stories,and I can't wait to share them with you,and maybe even have you share some of your stories with me.

 Changing the subject a bit,I sometimes ask myself if  myself and the entirety of people everywhere have the same idea,
the idea that we are all weird,imperfect,and silly.

All in the best ways,of course.

I hope that someday we'll all just accept that.

Until then,I guess we can just interact here,be ourselves,and not be judged.

Wanderlust xx

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