Monday, June 8, 2015


Hello Internet!

Guess what?

I don't have to take my passport picture until next Monday.


Since I took off of school today,I have a bunch of free time.

I don't exactly know what to do with it.

Changing the subject,

I cannot wait until I get out of school for the summer.

4 days.

4. d.a.y.s.


The annoying thing is that those four days consist of the students saying goodbye and/or doing manual labor (lifting boxes,organizing books,moving desks, etc...).

We don't even get a reward.

I honestly think that the teachers should just do it.

You guys have arms and legs that work.

You also,may I add,GET PAID.

It may not be much,but it's something.

The teachers get paid to literally yell commands at us to lift things and put them across the school.

I'm still sore.

Anyway,I'm going to move to a more positive topic.

My blog (as of now) has 27 page views.

That's pretty darn cool.

Please share my blog with your friends and maybe even comment or +1 me on Google Plus?

This could be a pretty cool thing.

My Instagram is @heywanderlust22

Same for my Twitter.

I hope you have a great day :3

Wanderlust xx

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